
The Senior Experience

Are you ready to celebrate your senior year with a photography package that captures your personality, passions, and achievements? If so, then our senior package is the perfect choice for you. Our ultimate senior experience consists of two locations, through two dedicated sessions to allow for focus on each one. You can choose one location to showcase your sport or hobby of your choice, whether it’s soccer, guitar, dance, or anything else that makes you unique. You can also choose another location for a more traditional senior portrait session, where you can dress up in your favorite outfit or pose with your cap and gown. Don't miss this chance to freeze the glory days!

On Location

On location photography is a great way to capture your personality and story in a natural and authentic way. It gives you the freedom and flexibility to choose a setting that reflects your brand, style, or mood. You get to interact with your surroundings and have fun with your poses. 

I have carefully scouted locations that would be ideal for several options and are available to you upon booking. You can choose from a variety of backgrounds, from urban landscapes to scenic parks, and historic buildings.

In the Studio

Create stunning and elegant photos that showcase your individuality and creativity with studio photography. You have complete control over the lighting, background, and props of your photos. You can choose from a wide range of options and change them easily and quickly. You can enjoy more privacy, security, flexibility, and convenience in a comfortable and professional environment. You can also tell a story with your chosen setting and make your photos more memorable and meaningful.